Daily Affirmation:
I don

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Categories: Miscellany


Kari · January 9, 2002 at 2:33 pm

Hey girl. I think that the damage that is done after a lie is told is the worst thing! may be easier to trust someone from the get, but after a lie is told it’s much harder. Prices.
At any rate girl…I feel ya, I hear ya and I love ya. I’m glad you’re a part of my ‘circle’ of peeps who will hold me accountable but love me in spite of.
I hope you feel soon the trust necessary to rely on us too. Slowly, Surely as Jill Scott says.
Talk to you later. 30 minutes and I gotta be bouncin to work. 🙁

Tricia · January 10, 2002 at 7:40 pm

I didn’t even want to go into the trust issue here. It would be a novel.

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