It appears I am currently in the middle of a major comment spam attack. I deleted well over 100 of them this morning, with more coming. So, temporarily, I have had to suspend all comments except for those from registered TypeKey users. I hope to reopen the comments to unregistered visitors shortly. Sorry for any inconvenience. 🙂
Hope everyone is having a terrific holiday! As you can see, I put up a new skin today, although the holiday one is still available in the skins directory. Please feel free to let me know if anything looks horribly wrong.
On another note, it snowed today! A day late, but beautiful nonetheless. I will see if I can post a picture or two later on.
[EDIT time=’7:15pm’] Comments appear to be working correctly once again. I am trying to figure out how to add a captcha system to my blogs, but for now I can’t seem to wrap my Christmas-pie-stupor-induced brain around the issue. I wish I could afford ExpressionEngine.[/EDIT]

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Categories: Miscellany


Carla · December 26, 2004 at 11:49 pm

Let’s each pay half and share the purchase for EE? LOL……sounds good? · December 28, 2004 at 3:02 pm

Found you through BE and originally didnt think you had posted in a while. The content in this area is pushed to the bottom. Great design though! I love Rion’s art.

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