Excellent New Blog Find

SistersTalk OK, so I’m not MUCH into politics, but I have been gaining more interest this year, and following that line of thought, I found a quite excellent blog yesterday right there on my sidebar through BlogSnob. Go visit and pontificate upon her witticisms. (heh)

Another Brick in the Wall

There is so much going on lately that sometimes I feel like I forget who I am, much less what I need to do. School is going pretty well, although I feel much more ‘crazed’ this semester.
I finally got a chance to see the second-opinion neurosurgeon regarding my headaches and questionable tumor/lipoma. He wasn’t nearly as abrupt as the first one. The first one basically said “it’s nothing, forget it.” The second one said “OK, I’m not sure if it is a problem or not, let’s do another MRI in August and come back to see me after. If the MRI is exactly the same, then likely it is nothing to be concerned about. If it changes, then we can go from there.” So that’s where that stands. I am still getting many headaches, and really nothing can be done to get rid of them easily. But I am doing the best I can and I hope that I can figure out the cause soon.
