Another Day

I wanted to thank everyone who wished me well regarding my previous post. Your thoughts are so very welcome. 🙂 I had my MRI on Monday. I fell asleep during it. Is that normal? Well….I’m not anywhere near normal, so it’s probably not normal to fall asleep with a big Read more…

Life Is Funny

Life has this funny little way of reminding us how very little control we really have over it. I suppose I took a somewhat unintended hiatus from this little peaceful spot, and I apologize for not making any kind of anouncement, but it was much needed, trust me. But for some reason tonight I found myself opening up good old Moveably Type. Needing to connect. To remember that I am real. That this life I am suddenly living is not some psychotic nightmare that I cannot awaken from.
OK, well let me start from the beginning. About a month ago, I started having headaches. Sometimes really really bad, like in-bed-in-the-dark-running-back-and-forth-to-the-bathroom-to-throw-up-wish-I-could-die bad. Sometimes low enough so that I could get up and function almost normally. But constantly there. Even as I write this I do so from behind a slight haze of pressure around my head. About two weeks ago I headed to the doctor hoping to get some relief, thinking perhaps I finally had gotten to the point with my migraines that I needed migraine medication. At first my insurance wouldn’t pay for the medication that was prescribed (we didn’t realize at the time that they would only pay for six pills at a time), so the doctor prescribed Vicodin. Yes, a narcotic. I was really leery about taking these, but broke down a few times right before I went to bed. They really did nothing for the headaches, and only served to make me dizzy and groggy, two very undesirable conditions when you have children. So, I had a follow-up last week with my regular doctor (the first time I saw a nurse practitioner). Since my headaches were not any better, and since I was waking up with headaches just about every day, as well as having them all day every day, he decided he should order a CT scan, just to rule out anything more serious.
So I go in to my CT scan this past Wednesday, with a headache, not really even worried. I mean, what could possibly be wrong? It’s just a headache, right? I breezed through it, and the next morning I went to see the neurologist to discuss the results.
They weren’t exactly what I expected.
